March 15, 2022

Mama Turn features in Journal of POGP Spring 2022 - Journal of Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy

By Ciara Devery
Mama Turn features in Journal of POGP Spring 2022 - Journal of Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy

As a Chartered Physiotherapist specialising in musculoskeletal complaints, pregnancy related pain and pelvic health, I regularly see people suffering from pelvic girdle pain. Not only is this an area of expertise within my professional career and years of studying, I deeply empathise as I myself have experienced pelvic girdle pain during my own pregnancy. I spent many nights searching for a way to get a decent sleep, trialing all sorts of things to try to move comfortably in bed, and it was my experience on this journey that led to the development of Mama Turn. 

The Journal of Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy (POGP) is a UK-based Physiotherapy clinical interest group specialising in women’s and men’s health. The association produces a bi-annual journal of which in Spring 2022, Mama Turn was included in their new “Notes and News” section, which is dedicated to innovation in the field. It is safe to say that I was thrilled to feature in the journal! 

In my own experience, the only thing that helped me to move in bed (somewhat) comfortably when pregnant was a clinical, plastic sliding sheet from the hospital. In saying that, it made me sweat at night and it came off the bed a good few times - which completely defeated the purpose. I often thought that something needed to be done, which was a pain echoed by my clients. With time on my side during the lockdown, I came up with the design idea for Mama Turn; I knew I wanted it to be silky but also tactile so it wouldn’t slip off the bed, it had to be comfortable so that it could slept on all night and non-clinical in feel and appearance. Thus, with the help of my Aunt Gina, a clever seamstress, the Mama Turn was born. 


The Mama Turn is a mobility aid that will help you get a better night's sleep by making turning in bed a lot easier. It is made from a comforting brushed cotton sheet with a clever sliding inner layer so that you can scoot onto your left or right side without putting pressure on your joints or muscles. Perfect for pregnant mothers who experience broken sleep due to discomfort or during the post-partum period, particularly after Cesarean. 


The Mama Turn has many uses beyond pregnancy; it is used by people with back and hip pain, those who are in postoperative recovery, the elderly and others suffering from a neurological condition that makes bed mobility difficult. And it isn’t just for women either. Our latest launch saw the introduction of Easi Turn, a development from the earlier Papa Turn, which comes in an array of non-gendered fabrics compared to the female-focused Mama Turn. So now anyone and everyone can move comfortably in bed. 

To say that I have been blown away by the response so far to the Mama Turn would be an understatement. We are shipping orders all over the UK and Ireland and even further to USA and Australia! 

This Spring 2022 POGP Journal includes outstanding peer-reviewed academic papers contributed by individuals currently involved in research related to pelvic, obstetric and gynaecological Physiotherapy. Titles such as Understanding birth trauma and physical recovery. (J. Smith, 2022), Functional assessment of the female pelvic floor, (H. Keeble, 2022) and Filling the gap: the use of a vaginal pessary device in patient-centered care for the non-surgical management of prolapse, (K. Lough & C. Brown, 2022) are just some of the insightful papers included in this season’s journal - and what an honour it is to have my product published beside these authors and their findings.


Designing the Mama Turn and Easi Turn, conducting market research, protecting and trademarking the design and launching the products has been an exciting and challenging journey. It has certainly taken me far beyond my comfort zone as a Chartered Physiotherapist with no previous experience in this area. It has left me feeling excited to see where it leads to next!

Discover the comfortable world of Easi Turn, designed to make turning in bed a whole lot easier. 

Read Journal of POGP Spring 2022.