About Us

Easi Turn began in 2011 when Ciara Devery, experienced severe pelvic pain during her own pregnancy. Ciara is a Chartered Physiotherapist who after having her first son, decided to advance her training and specialise in Pelvic Health.

Having had her own experiences in pregnancy and post-pregnancy with pelvic girdle pain, she decided she wanted to create a solution so others would not have to suffer like she did.

"Mama Turn came from my own personal experiences. During my first pregnancy, it was simply the size of my bump to be honest that made trying to heave myself around in the bed very difficult. I was using a hospital sliding sheet, but they are so medical and clinical and horrible to lie on.  I even tried to put a towel on it but it wouldn't stay in place - leaving me exhausted every morning.

"I was thinking someone should really make these with a nice soft  outer cover, and make them pretty and not hospital-like. But with having three children in a short space of time, I didn't get much time to do it."

"Then in my second pregnancy pelvic girdle pain really set in and it set in sooner again with the third and I found the sliding sheet really helped me so much but I wanted to try and make something that was prettier, kinder and less clinical, and get that out there to so many people that this something that can help, along with so many other things."

Having had a conversation with her retired headmistress auntie Gina, who Ciara said is an 'excellent seamstress', together they came up with Mama Turn - their take on the original sliding sheet; which is less medical, more cosy and just nicer to lie on.  "Together we came up with a design that is super simple, easy and effective. It's ultra soft  and comfortable as we had to be really aware of seams, and had to create something as flat and flush as possible.

"I just wanted something simple that pregnant women could have control over and really make a difference to their night's sleep. I have had women tell me they even get out of bed to turn over so they are waking themselves up essentially just to turn in bed. And it's also for afterwards as well, it's not just the pregnancy, if you have a c-section delivery or even if you have a long natural labour, it's sore and difficult to move and it's hard to get comfortable."
Fast-forward 11-years since her first son was born and the Omagh woman's idea is now on the market and has been a huge source of help to women across the country.
"Initially I launched them just in my own clinic for my clients and then the reviews coming back were so good I decided to bite the bullet and put them out there. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not the most out there of people, it was a big thing to do but I'm delighted with the response!. I wake up every morning and if I've got another review I'm over the moon that we've created a practical product that is helping people get a better nights sleep.

"I love working in the field I do because I feel we really need to get the word out there and help women. There is so much that can be done to improve both pre-natal and post-natal health.

"Getting a good night's sleep is so important which is why I was so passionate about this product. If we are not getting restorative sleep we are never resetting our system, and everything in life is more difficult. But if you can get a decent few hours and restore yourself every night then you can be up and going the next day."

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How does Easi Turn work?

Place your Easi Turn into your bed, or on your chair, or wherever you want to get comfortable.

Lie down on top of your Easi Turn and rest, sleep or chillax as you normally would.

As you rest, Easi Turn will allow you to turn over and move in your sleep without discomfort.

What is the difference between Mama Turn and Easi Turn?

Mama Turn
Mama Turn was designed with Mama's in mind; to help pregnant mothers feel comfortable in bed, allow them to move freely and sleep better at night without uncomfortable disruptions. Mama Turn is available in bright colours such as Tropical Pink and Blue Thistle. Perfect for getting a good nights sleep when pregnant!

Easi Turn 
Easi Turn is a sleeping aid designed for anyone experiencing disrupted sleep from pelvic pain, back pain, and surgery recovery. If you have difficulty turning over at night in bed, Easi Turn might be the solution you have been waiting on! Easi Turn is available in a variety of colours including Red Tartan and Navy Feather print.